As the very significant 4/7 date approaches, I started to reflect on what
it truly means to be a father.
As one who grew up without a father in the home, I can totally understand
what the absence of a “father” means. As a father myself, I completely
understand what the presence of one means.
At an early age, a father is essential in helping to instill the following
very important traits: Character, Self-esteem, Self-confidence,
Courage, Determination and Motivation
I can elaborate further, but I think you all get my point. Therefore, if
you have or have had a “real father” in your life consider it a
blessing. If you did not, it is O. K. because you can learn from other
fathers you may have seen and heard from throughout your lifetime.
God looks out for all of us! Growing up, one of the best examples
of a dad that I saw growing up is the person this whole Cherish Family
Brand represents, Allen Smith aka Big Al! To commemorate Allen
Smith, the entire “Cherish Family Brand” embodies the qualities
and character he represented.
So moving forward, to all the dads out there , please recognize your
power and importance. You have the power to change the life of your own
kids in a positive way. As a role model, you can also have a profound and
positive effect on the lives of others, without even realizing your inspiration.
That being said, always Cherish Fatherhood/Cherish Family!
(The Gov-ven-or)