What Happened to Compassion?

There is a very popular video going around called (The Freezing Homeless Child Experiment). As I watched these people walk by this child all I could do is shake my head. Why do you ask? Is it because I think I'm Holier that the next man? No! Is it because I think mankind is evil as a whole? No! Some peolpe actually did pause and stare but for whatever reason decided to keep it moving. Who knows... The bigger thing we need to take out of this video is this...Most of us are only a paycheck, death of a parent or death of a spouse away from being in that same predicament in that same plastic bags as that freezing young man. So please keep in mind as you go about your day and complain about what you don't have. You might want to Cherish what you do. That being said Cherish life and always, Cherish Family! Peace  (The Guv-e-nor)